Sunday, March 29, 2020

IIT Chemistry Curriculum

IIT Chemistry CurriculumThe core curriculum of IIT Bombay is available for IIT students as Online Learning (with some important differences), Technology-Based Courses (for which you have to study with an expert engineer), and Hands-On Experiences (which involve interacting with an on-site engineering team). For students who have special talents, iIT Bombay offers tailor-made curriculum for you to pursue a specialty.Unlike the traditional and extensive IIT curriculum, the IIT offers smaller, specialized curriculum for the students. You can apply for admission for such a program by logging into the website of the IIT. Each program has its own syllabus with its own emphasis. At present most of the students pursue the Chemical Engineering program or the Chemical, Biomedical and Biomolecular Engineering programs.In case you find it hard to sort out the core curriculum of IIT and its specializations, you will find it easier to study all these programs and their specialization in one go. An d if you want to pursue a single specialization, all you need to do is log into the online application of your selected program.On the other hand, if you are interested in pursuing chemical engineering, it will help if you sort out the IIT program after having already decided what your major is going to be, so that you can apply for admission for the course. If you don't find what you are looking for, it is best if you search for this information online.It is also worth remembering that the IIT chemical engineering has a condensed version of the Chemistry program. If you are planning to study chemistry at IIT, the information below should guide you well:* It is imperative that the student has knowledge of the basics of chemistry, especially in the basic elements and chemical formula. In the course of the Chemical Engineering program, the Chemistry sub-major is optional.* To obtain a scholarship for chemistry and other sciences, students should concentrate on Maths and Biology. These two subjects are compulsory for all applicants. Students should not be caught in a battle of wits against Biology.Apart from all this, the IIT has very stringent entrance requirements, and a thorough understanding of the requirements of IIT is mandatory for the students. These include basic mathematics as well as a solid foundation in reading and writing. Of course, these requirements do not apply to those students who are already admitted to the University of IIT Bombay.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How italki is helping me learn Spanish!

How italki is helping me learn Spanish! How italki is Helping Me Learn Spanish How italki is Helping Me Learn Spanish There is only way to learn to speak a language:  speak it, speak it, and speak it some more. While the easiest way to immerse yourself in a language is to travel â€" or, better yet, move â€" to a country where the language is spoken, all is not lost for those of us who can’t do that just yet. Thanks to the wonders of Skype and free websites like, we can immerse ourselves in any language from the comfort of our living room couches!  (Actually, in my case, it’s the dining room table. I still haven’t quite mastered the art of using a laptop on my actual lap.) If you’re looking to ramp up your language learning, then you might want to consider signing up for italki. * Please note:  this review is very long. I can’t help it. I’m full of words. Believe it or not, I actually cut out a good quarter of each post before I actually publish it. If you don’t like posts with a lot of words â€" well, you probably won’t like this blog. Sorry. First of all, it’s important to point out that italki itself isn’t a language program. It won’t teach you grammar, or provide you with video lessons, or offer you with step-by-step how-to-learn-any-language instructions. What it will do is provide you with access to a much more valuable resource:  actual, thinking, communicating human beings.   Registration on italki is free. Once you’ve registered, you’ll set up your profile, including which languages you speak and which languages you’re learning. There’s lots of “social stuff” on italki: upvoting, friending/following, discussion threads and so on. While some people might love the social media stuff, I don’t bother much with most of it. My goal is to connect directly with Spanish speakers who can help me, or with French speakers who need my help. In my opinion, these are the five best ways that italki is helping me learn Spanish: 1. Find a language partner A language partner is someone who speaks the language that you’re learning, and who is learning the language that you speak. If you click on “Language Partners” at the top of your italki screen, you can search for someone to connect with, being as specific as you like. My specific search â€" female Spanish-speakers learning French â€" brought back dozens and dozens of results. Once you have a list of results, you can read people’s profiles and find someone who seems interesting. When I first signed on to italki, I followed people and they followed me back, but nothing ever came of it. My “followers” count went up, so I suppose I might have looked a bit more popular, but it wasn’t actually helping me learn Spanish. I’m much more specific now. After clicking the “follow” button on someone’s profile, I send them a note requesting that they follow me back, spelling out exactly what I’m looking for. I include time zones in three major Spanish-speaking cities. This might seem a bit too straightforward for some people, but I don’t want to waste lots of back-and-forth time. As lovely as a person might be, if our schedules don’t mesh, then she isn’t the language partner I’m looking for. I send very specific follow requests on italki. Yes, I realize that I accidentally typed “who” twice. Once I connect with a language partner whose schedule matches mine, we set up an initial Skype meeting. From there, we can decide if we would like to meet regularly for practice sessions. So far, I’ve had nothing but good luck with language partners. I meet weekly with five fun, encouraging, friendly women â€" a different one every weekday. I use a webcam for all of my language exchanges â€" I like to see a person when I’m talking to her. I know, though, that some people prefer not to use webcams at all. If you’re not comfortable with video, make that clear from the beginning, and you should be able to find someone to talk to using audio only. 2. Hire a professional teacher or a community tutor If money is tight, or if you’re happy with your progress, then language partners might more than meet your needs. I wanted to progress more quickly, so I decided to hire a professional teacher to help me learn. On italki, you can choose between two types of paid lessons: professional lessons and informal tutoring. Teachers offering professional lessons have to have some kind of certification, whereas informal tutors don’t. Teachers are generally more expensive than informal tutors, but many of them are very reasonably priced. Some of them are so inexpensive, in fact, that the language teacher in me feels a bit bad about how low their rates are. Many teachers and tutors offer trial sessions, lower-priced half-hour sessions for new students. Some of these trial sessions can cost as little as 10 credits, or one dollar. This lets you “sample” a teacher to make sure that your styles and personalities mesh well. Each student is only allowed to take three trial sessions, perhaps to discourage people from taking trials without committing to any teacher.  (I personally disagree with the three-trial policy, but it is what it is.)   One great thing about the italki booking system is that there’s no back-and-forth needed. You access the teacher’s schedule, click on an available time, and send a session request. Best of all, the schedule is automatically converted to your time zone, so you don’t even have to figure out what time your session actually starts.  I booked two trial sessions, with the idea that I would take two weekly lessons with the teacher that I clicked best with. Then I clicked with both of them. Rather than choosing between them, I decided to do one weekly session with each of them. My fantastic italki Spanish teachers, Mati and Auri. Connecting with Skype tutors ended up being one of the best things that I’ve done to speed up my language learning. Between my conversation partners and my tutors, I’m spending a whopping seven hours on Skype every week, five and a half of which are in Spanish. While this might seem like a lot, the time flies by, and I credit Skype conversations for 80% of my progress. 3. Write a notebook entry The best place to seek out corrections is in your written work. While a patient and encouraging teacher or language teacher will correct you at times when you’re speaking, it would be counterproductive to expect them to correct every single mistake. Too many interruptions would break the flow of conversation, which is the whole point of doing a language exchange. In a notebook entry, though, you’re laying down your work with the understanding that native speakers will correct it, change it, and point out your mistakes. One of my notebook entries, with corrections suggested by a native Spanish-speaker. Don’t forget to return the favour and try to correct other people’s work as well. There are always notebook entries that go without corrections, which must be very disappointing for the writer. When choosing notebook entries to correct, it’s best to stick to your own language or to a language that you know very well. I’ve seen corrections made by a non-native speakers that were very inaccurate.  4. Find a penpal I connected with one potential language partner, but no matter how hard we tried, we just couldn’t schedule a Skype meeting. Instead, we decided to be penpals. We write to each other using the italki private message system two or three times a week. Eva writes to me in English, and I send her message back to her with a few corrections and suggestions. Then I respond to her message in Spanish, and she corrects my work. I struggle with writing in Spanish. A lot.  I’m surprised by how helpful it is to have a penpal! I appreciate being able to take the time to think about what I want to say, and to really dig in to the corrections that Eva makes on my work. I also like having a penpal because â€" unlike with notebook entries â€" we can develop a relationship and have longer and more personal conversations. 5. Ask, answer and read questions I click on this feature when I have a few spare minutes and want to help other learners. People post brief questions in any language, and native speakers answer them. You can look at all of the questions, or sort them by language. I try to answer as many French questions as I can, focusing first on the ones that haven’t been answered yet. Reading questions and answers in the language that you’re learning can help you clear up understanding, build vocabulary, and learn expressions. A few Spanish questions on italki. Out of the five components that I mentioned in this post, I think that asking and answering questions is the one that I use the least. Still, it can be a very useful way to interact with native speakers without much of a time commitment. What I would like to see at italki Of course, no review is complete without a mention of what’s lacking. Here are a few things that I would like to see at italki: a live chat feature that would allow you to exchange messages back-and-forth with a native speaker. three trial sessions allowed for each language being learned, rather than three trial sessions total per student. a way to connect with community tutors without setting an appointment in advance. Sometimes I have 30 spare minutes that I’d like to spend in conversation. It would be nice if community tutors could sign up for “drop-in” sessions. Potential students could message them and, if they’re available, the session could start immediately instead of being booked 24 hours in advance. If you aren’t regularly talking to people in the language that you’re learning, then you’re missing a huge piece of the language learning puzzle. Sites like italki can help you find that puzzle piece. Once you start talking to real, live, unpredictable human beings, you’ll be amazed at how quickly your ability to speak progresses! Go ahead and sign up for  italki. Find a partner. Write a notebook entry. Start actually communicating with people. After all, human communication is the reason that languages even exist in the first place! A few final notes: This is a completely unbiased review. Italki does have a referral program that allows referrers to earn credits, but the link that I posted in this review is not an affiliate link. The only thing that I’m hoping to get from anyone who decides to join italki is the satisfaction that one more person is seeking out native speakers to communicate with! If, however, you would like to support me by providing me with one free lesson (at no cost to you) when and if you buy any credits,  you can use this referral link when signing up for italki. I’m not looking for any more language exchange partners at this point. But if you’re an intermediate or advanced Spanish-speaker and you want to practice for half an hour every week or two (just Spanish â€" no French or English), please  contact me! Top [This originally appeared on  .  We had no idea  Stephanie had written this but were pleasantly surprised when we found her blog post.  We felt that it was such a great blog post, that we had to share it with all our italki members as it has some great information on how to maximize learning on italki!  Reposted with permission.] How italki is helping me learn Spanish! How italki is Helping Me Learn Spanish How italki is Helping Me Learn Spanish There is only way to learn to speak a language:  speak it, speak it, and speak it some more. While the easiest way to immerse yourself in a language is to travel â€" or, better yet, move â€" to a country where the language is spoken, all is not lost for those of us who can’t do that just yet. Thanks to the wonders of Skype and free websites like, we can immerse ourselves in any language from the comfort of our living room couches!  (Actually, in my case, it’s the dining room table. I still haven’t quite mastered the art of using a laptop on my actual lap.) If you’re looking to ramp up your language learning, then you might want to consider signing up for italki. * Please note:  this review is very long. I can’t help it. I’m full of words. Believe it or not, I actually cut out a good quarter of each post before I actually publish it. If you don’t like posts with a lot of words â€" well, you probably won’t like this blog. Sorry. First of all, it’s important to point out that italki itself isn’t a language program. It won’t teach you grammar, or provide you with video lessons, or offer you with step-by-step how-to-learn-any-language instructions. What it will do is provide you with access to a much more valuable resource:  actual, thinking, communicating human beings.   Registration on italki is free. Once you’ve registered, you’ll set up your profile, including which languages you speak and which languages you’re learning. There’s lots of “social stuff” on italki: upvoting, friending/following, discussion threads and so on. While some people might love the social media stuff, I don’t bother much with most of it. My goal is to connect directly with Spanish speakers who can help me, or with French speakers who need my help. In my opinion, these are the five best ways that italki is helping me learn Spanish: 1. Find a language partner A language partner is someone who speaks the language that you’re learning, and who is learning the language that you speak. If you click on “Language Partners” at the top of your italki screen, you can search for someone to connect with, being as specific as you like. My specific search â€" female Spanish-speakers learning French â€" brought back dozens and dozens of results. Once you have a list of results, you can read people’s profiles and find someone who seems interesting. When I first signed on to italki, I followed people and they followed me back, but nothing ever came of it. My “followers” count went up, so I suppose I might have looked a bit more popular, but it wasn’t actually helping me learn Spanish. I’m much more specific now. After clicking the “follow” button on someone’s profile, I send them a note requesting that they follow me back, spelling out exactly what I’m looking for. I include time zones in three major Spanish-speaking cities. This might seem a bit too straightforward for some people, but I don’t want to waste lots of back-and-forth time. As lovely as a person might be, if our schedules don’t mesh, then she isn’t the language partner I’m looking for. I send very specific follow requests on italki. Yes, I realize that I accidentally typed “who” twice. Once I connect with a language partner whose schedule matches mine, we set up an initial Skype meeting. From there, we can decide if we would like to meet regularly for practice sessions. So far, I’ve had nothing but good luck with language partners. I meet weekly with five fun, encouraging, friendly women â€" a different one every weekday. I use a webcam for all of my language exchanges â€" I like to see a person when I’m talking to her. I know, though, that some people prefer not to use webcams at all. If you’re not comfortable with video, make that clear from the beginning, and you should be able to find someone to talk to using audio only. 2. Hire a professional teacher or a community tutor If money is tight, or if you’re happy with your progress, then language partners might more than meet your needs. I wanted to progress more quickly, so I decided to hire a professional teacher to help me learn. On italki, you can choose between two types of paid lessons: professional lessons and informal tutoring. Teachers offering professional lessons have to have some kind of certification, whereas informal tutors don’t. Teachers are generally more expensive than informal tutors, but many of them are very reasonably priced. Some of them are so inexpensive, in fact, that the language teacher in me feels a bit bad about how low their rates are. Many teachers and tutors offer trial sessions, lower-priced half-hour sessions for new students. Some of these trial sessions can cost as little as 10 credits, or one dollar. This lets you “sample” a teacher to make sure that your styles and personalities mesh well. Each student is only allowed to take three trial sessions, perhaps to discourage people from taking trials without committing to any teacher.  (I personally disagree with the three-trial policy, but it is what it is.)   One great thing about the italki booking system is that there’s no back-and-forth needed. You access the teacher’s schedule, click on an available time, and send a session request. Best of all, the schedule is automatically converted to your time zone, so you don’t even have to figure out what time your session actually starts.  I booked two trial sessions, with the idea that I would take two weekly lessons with the teacher that I clicked best with. Then I clicked with both of them. Rather than choosing between them, I decided to do one weekly session with each of them. My fantastic italki Spanish teachers, Mati and Auri. Connecting with Skype tutors ended up being one of the best things that I’ve done to speed up my language learning. Between my conversation partners and my tutors, I’m spending a whopping seven hours on Skype every week, five and a half of which are in Spanish. While this might seem like a lot, the time flies by, and I credit Skype conversations for 80% of my progress. 3. Write a notebook entry The best place to seek out corrections is in your written work. While a patient and encouraging teacher or language teacher will correct you at times when you’re speaking, it would be counterproductive to expect them to correct every single mistake. Too many interruptions would break the flow of conversation, which is the whole point of doing a language exchange. In a notebook entry, though, you’re laying down your work with the understanding that native speakers will correct it, change it, and point out your mistakes. One of my notebook entries, with corrections suggested by a native Spanish-speaker. Don’t forget to return the favour and try to correct other people’s work as well. There are always notebook entries that go without corrections, which must be very disappointing for the writer. When choosing notebook entries to correct, it’s best to stick to your own language or to a language that you know very well. I’ve seen corrections made by a non-native speakers that were very inaccurate.  4. Find a penpal I connected with one potential language partner, but no matter how hard we tried, we just couldn’t schedule a Skype meeting. Instead, we decided to be penpals. We write to each other using the italki private message system two or three times a week. Eva writes to me in English, and I send her message back to her with a few corrections and suggestions. Then I respond to her message in Spanish, and she corrects my work. I struggle with writing in Spanish. A lot.  I’m surprised by how helpful it is to have a penpal! I appreciate being able to take the time to think about what I want to say, and to really dig in to the corrections that Eva makes on my work. I also like having a penpal because â€" unlike with notebook entries â€" we can develop a relationship and have longer and more personal conversations. 5. Ask, answer and read questions I click on this feature when I have a few spare minutes and want to help other learners. People post brief questions in any language, and native speakers answer them. You can look at all of the questions, or sort them by language. I try to answer as many French questions as I can, focusing first on the ones that haven’t been answered yet. Reading questions and answers in the language that you’re learning can help you clear up understanding, build vocabulary, and learn expressions. A few Spanish questions on italki. Out of the five components that I mentioned in this post, I think that asking and answering questions is the one that I use the least. Still, it can be a very useful way to interact with native speakers without much of a time commitment. What I would like to see at italki Of course, no review is complete without a mention of what’s lacking. Here are a few things that I would like to see at italki: a live chat feature that would allow you to exchange messages back-and-forth with a native speaker. three trial sessions allowed for each language being learned, rather than three trial sessions total per student. a way to connect with community tutors without setting an appointment in advance. Sometimes I have 30 spare minutes that I’d like to spend in conversation. It would be nice if community tutors could sign up for “drop-in” sessions. Potential students could message them and, if they’re available, the session could start immediately instead of being booked 24 hours in advance. If you aren’t regularly talking to people in the language that you’re learning, then you’re missing a huge piece of the language learning puzzle. Sites like italki can help you find that puzzle piece. Once you start talking to real, live, unpredictable human beings, you’ll be amazed at how quickly your ability to speak progresses! Go ahead and sign up for  italki. Find a partner. Write a notebook entry. Start actually communicating with people. After all, human communication is the reason that languages even exist in the first place! A few final notes: This is a completely unbiased review. Italki does have a referral program that allows referrers to earn credits, but the link that I posted in this review is not an affiliate link. The only thing that I’m hoping to get from anyone who decides to join italki is the satisfaction that one more person is seeking out native speakers to communicate with! If, however, you would like to support me by providing me with one free lesson (at no cost to you) when and if you buy any credits,  you can use this referral link when signing up for italki. I’m not looking for any more language exchange partners at this point. But if you’re an intermediate or advanced Spanish-speaker and you want to practice for half an hour every week or two (just Spanish â€" no French or English), please  contact me! Top [This originally appeared on  .  We had no idea  Stephanie had written this but were pleasantly surprised when we found her blog post.  We felt that it was such a great blog post, that we had to share it with all our italki members as it has some great information on how to maximize learning on italki!  Reposted with permission.]

Tips For Holiday Gift Giving At Work

Tips For Holiday Gift Giving At Work Image: Unsplash Ask around first This job may be your first job. Even if it is not, different companies have different policies about giving gifts and how it may be done. If you are unsure about your company’s policies, ask around to see what is the general rule. In general, the larger the company, the more policies there are likely to be around giving gifts. Find out if gifts are acceptable and which coworkers you should get something for. See if there are things that you should refrain from gifting altogether. Be considerate of coworkers If your workplace has a formal gift-giving practice in place, it may be easy for some of your coworkers to go all-out and buy huge presents for everyone. However, not everyone may be able to afford to get something for everyone, especially not at the same level. If a coworker you do not work with directly does not get you something, even if you get something for them, do not take it personally. They may have a difficult financial circumstance that they are working through and buying even a few gifts for their immediate coworkers may be straining them financially. Practice good etiquette Gift giving in any situation can be tricky, but it is even more so in the workplace. There are certain etiquette rules that need to be followed in order to make sure power dynamics are maintained. First, avoid buying your boss a gift as this can be seen by your boss as rewarding their power. Instead, consider getting them a card or bringing in baked goods to share with the office. Secondly, the best way to give gifts to coworkers is to do a Secret Santa. That way, no one feels pressured to participate, which is helpful if someone celebrates differently or does not have the means to afford giving gifts to coworkers. Set a price cap and make sure to enforce it. Also, there are certain etiquettes about what to buy and what gifts are appropriate or not. Buying gifts such as bath sets or jewelry that are used on the body can be seen as too personal for a work environment. Buying gag gifts may seem fun, but they may come across as tacky and unprofessional, so it is best to avoid them. If you are not planning on buying something for all of your coworkers, try to avoid handing out gifts in front of coworkers that you did not buy for. Instead, opt to meet for lunch or coffee to exchange gifts. On the flip side, avoid buying for everyone to make a statement. Gifts should be given to show appreciation, so give to those who helped you throughout the year. Be sure to send handwritten thank-you notes for any gifts you receive, even if you thank the person when you get the gift. In the note, be sure to say how much you appreciate the gift and how it has helped you in some way if it has. The person spent time and money to get you something, so express your gratitude. Keep your gifts affordable While it may be tempting to go all-out to show your coworkers that you appreciate them, remember that you are on a college student budget and that you likely have other people to shop for. However, there are affordable gifts that you can buy for coworkers that they will love and that will not break the bank. If you work in an office, office or school supplies are sure to be welcome since they are used on a daily basis. Also, a calendar or planner for the new year can help your coworkers organize projects and tasks they need to complete. Other items such as hand sanitizer and reusable water bottles can be useful while getting something personal that each individual will like. If you are participating in a secret Santa or an exchange that has a price limit, be mindful to stick to the limit. That way, you are showing that you can follow guidelines and you will not overspend. Remember student coworkers If you work on or near your campus, there are likely other students working with you that you can buy gifts for. Gift cards of any sort are appreciated since college students are usually on a budget. Buy a reusable travel coffee mug for someone you are buying a coffee shop gift card for so they can help reduce waste and get their favorite coffee. Random acts of kindness kits are perfect for students who want to make a difference but feel like they are unable to because of their budget or lack of time. Also, just think of something that would be useful for you to have and buy it for your coworker since they are in the same boat as you. You can also buy things based on their major. For example, if your coworker is a business major, you can buy them business cards (or a gift card to get their own) or a gift card to get business attire. Journalism and English majors love to write, so consider buying them a nice notebook or journal with a matching pen. Buying gifts based on their major will mean a lot to them since you put in the effort to get something special while still having it be professional. Consider the recipient While it is the thought that counts, you do not want to get a gift that may offend the recipient. You may want to get wine for someone, but that is not a good idea if you know they are a recovering alcoholic or are someone who has religious objections to drinking. As a general rule, avoid giving alcohol so that you do not offend anyone. Since you are giving the gifts to coworkers, avoid gag gifts as the recipient might take offense to it and it may make you seem unprofessional. Buy gifts that reflect the recipient’s interests and hobbies. Also, consider that those in your office are your coworkers. As such, avoid being too personal since you do have to maintain a professional image. If you are feeling some question about whether or not something you want to give is too personal or would make a coworker uncomfortable, err on the side of caution and find something else. Gifts for kids you nanny or babysit Nannying and babysitting are popular jobs for college students to have since the hours are flexible and they tend to pay well. If you know that the family you babysit or nanny for celebrates winter holidays, consider buying gifts for the kid(s) you watch. Some inexpensive ideas are coloring books and crayons, games, Play-doh, books, or chalk. Consider buying things that you can do together when you watch them. That way, you can have fun with them and they will remember who got them the gift. Team up to buy for your boss As mentioned before, try to avoid buying a present for your boss. This is because doing so may make you seem like you are trying to seek favor from your boss by flattering them with a present.   However, if you do want to do something, coordinate with coworkers to have everyone chip in some money to buy your boss something from all of you. That way, everyone can be involved with thanking your boss while keeping the power dynamic intact. This will also ensure that your boss can know that everyone appreciates him or her without one person having to worry about how their intentions look. Your personal relationship with your boss may be a factor, but it is definitely better to err on the side of caution. If you do decide to team up to buy something for your boss, you will want to make sure it is something he or she will use and is professional. Buy your boss a healthy snack subscription box, a set of nice notebooks, or a leather business cardholder. If your boss has been mentioning something that he or she needs, buy it. This will ensure that you are paying attention and are willing to help out. Image: Ben White via Participate in gift-giving festivities If your company has Secret Santa or White Elephant exchanges, make sure you participate. This is part of your company culture, so you want to be sure to make a great impression and be involved, even if it is not your dream job. Usually, there are cost limits so unless your religious beliefs prohibit you from participating, you should get involved. Ask around in advance so that you can start saving up money ahead of time so finances are not holding you back. Even if you do not have to buy gifts, you may be asked to chip in to help with parties or a general office gift pool. While you may not be obligated to chip in, studies show that participating may help you get promoted. If anything, it will help your coworkers and boss see that you do care about the office culture outside of your job. Think about your team Some companies are relatively small, so if you only have a handful of coworkers, consider buying each person a small token of gratitude for all they have done throughout the year. However, if you have several coworkers and no means of affording gifts for everyone, consider buying gifts for immediate managers and coworkers who have helped out. In this case, as mentioned previously, give these presents privately so that other coworkers do not get jealous or upset that you did not buy them something. Consider buying things for coworkers or mentors who went above and beyond to help you in some way through the year. Also, if you do have a small team and are planning on buying something for everyone, make sure that you keep things fair. Do not spend $50 on one coworker and only $5 on another. For those who are into supporting various causes, consider donating some money to a charity in their honor. Obligated or not? Remember, you are not obligated to buy every single person you work with a present. This may be difficult to remember if someone gives you a gift but you did not buy them something. Be sure to smile and thank them on the spot, and also remember to send them a thank you card. If you feel like you want to return the favor, consider getting them a gift card and include it with the thank you note. However, keep in mind that this is not mandatory and again, you are not obligated to buy them something just because they got something for you. Gifts to avoid giving coworkers While gifts are intended to be good, there are gifts to avoid giving so you do not come across as offensive. In general, cash is not acceptable. Instead, opt to give coworkers gift cards to their favorite stores or restaurants. Giving perfumes or anything else with fragrance can make it seem that you are telling your coworker that they smell. If you opt to donate money in someone’s honor, avoid giving to political or controversial organizations, especially to poke fun at someone. This may make you seem unprofessional and may cause drama in the office. Giving gifts around the holidays is tough, but adding an office environment into the mix can make it even more complicated. However, knowing the etiquette and your company’s policies can help you decide what to buy and who to buy for. When in doubt, ask around the office.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Benefits of a Chemistry Tutor

Benefits of a Chemistry TutorThe organic chemistry tutor is a different type of assistant and you might want to look for him or her in your college, university or secondary school. He or she can do many things for your college education and also help you with other things.It is the responsibility of the tutor to teach students about all the fundamental parts of learning chemistry. They are responsible for giving assignments for their subjects and will also supervise the students' work. If you are a very good student, he or she can make sure that your grades are not too low. If you are not very good, the tutor will surely help you with your mistakes.If you need assistance in doing chemical reactions, you should not bother searching for a teacher. You should always call a chemist who has a lab so he can assist you with all your problems. Some chemist in a laboratory will be very helpful and will also tell you where you can find the equipment you will need.Sometimes, a chemist might not be available in the campus and it will be necessary for you to leave the school and look for a chemist who can come to your place to help you. This is a great advantage for students who are on their own because they will no longer have to sit and wait for an appointment while the chemistry professor teaches in the classroom.The organic chemistry tutor will help you out with your classes and will take care of your studies as well. Some teachers are more interested in teaching others than teaching themselves. The organic chemistry tutor will do everything for the student who has a good attitude about studying.To make sure that you study well in college, the chemistry tutor should make sure that you are well organized. He will also encourage your love for chemistry.Thereare many benefits that you will get from this kind of help in college. These benefits include high scores for your college career, a great career in science, a great career in chemistry and a career in chemistry.

Taking the SAT Chemistry Subject Test Dates

Taking the SAT Chemistry Subject Test DatesIs it time to take the SAT Chemistry subject test? The answer to this question can depend on how much homework you do. Take a look at this basic study tip:Just like all the other sections, the SAT Chemistry test consists of multiple choice questions. This means that you have plenty of time to work through the content. This is a good time to focus on whatever areas of chemistry you need to focus on the most.While the science section of the SAT does have some similarities with the physics section, there are some differences. In physics, you have to refer to the directions and check the materials. When taking the SAT, you will not have to look at any instructions or the materials. In the end, this can make it easier for you to study.While there are different possible topics in the multiple choice section, the content can be somewhat similar. The entire SAT test will typically consist of two parts. The first part consists of the verbal portion a nd the second part consists of the math portion.While you will probably want to focus more on the math section in the SAT, you can also choose to study in both sections if you want to. The SAT science section will also have some text-based passages and activities. While they may not be as extensive as in the physics sections, you should still be able to take some time to study these parts if you want to.You should take the SAT test on the same day as your previous week's schedule. Some schools allow you to take the test on the following day, but you must notify them and allow enough time to get prepared. This is especially important if you take the SAT before the deadline for the fall semester. Many schools have varying rules about rescheduling tests after this point, so make sure to check with the school you are considering to see if they allow this type of test date.If you have a lot of homework to do, you may need to adjust your plans slightly. Be sure to use a study guide to get through your homework and study the parts thoroughly. Your preparation may pay off when the test date comes around.

Finding Percent Online Tutoring - Maths Tutors

Finding Percent Online Tutoring - Maths Tutors Percent means out of hundred. For example if we say Twenty one percent that meanstwenty one is divided by one hundred. We can say that the percentage is a fraction in which the denominator is one hundred. Any value which is too calculated is divided by one hundred to find the percentage. The fractions, decimal and the percentage are associated with each other. All these are interchangeable. The fraction can be changed into decimal and the decimal can be changed into the percentage. 21% = 21/100, 85% = 85/100, 63% = 63/100, 17% = 17/100 Multiplying percentage is associated to find the percentage. When any fraction or decimal is multiplied by one hundred we get the percentage. i.e (7/10)X 100 = 70%, (17/10) X 100 = 170%, (1/5) X 100 = 20% The decimal number can also be converted into percentage by multiplying it by one hundred and then removing the sign of the percentage. i.e 0.13 X 100 = 13%, 0.56 X 100 = 56%, 0.81X 100 = 81% When the cost of any item is doubled then two is multiplied by one hundred to get percentage and it is said the cost has been increased by two hundred percentages. When the cost of any item is reduced to half then half is multiplied by one hundred and it is said the cost has been decreased by fifty percent. i.e C.P = 46 S.P = 92 Profit in percentage = (92 46) X 100 /46 = 100%

The Beginners Guide to Arithmetic

The Beginners Guide to Arithmetic Everything You Need to Know About Learning Maths ChaptersWhat is Arithmetic?Finding the Best Arithmetic TutorResources Online for Arithmetic HelpCommon Arithmetic Questions and ExamplesWhether it’s basic elementary grade math or pre-algebra, many students in the UK struggle in arithmetic every year. While some teachers have turned to more creative approaches  in teaching elements in reading and maths courses, sometimes students and adults alike need a bit of extra support.Luckily, we've laid out a guide that can help you grasp everything to know about learning arithmetic. Starting with the history of the mathematics branch to how you can get online maths classes, get started on learning today!Having a maths tutor can help you solve math questions step by stepa x (b + c) = a x b + a x cThis law is extremely important in everything from polynomial functions to matrices and has many applications in the real world. Here’s an example of how this law can be used to simplify an algebraic expression.Take:4x + 3(x â€" 10)Using the distr ibutive law, we can see that in order to simplify this expression, we must distribute the 3 to get:4x + 3x â€" 30The next step again involves the distributive law. Looking above, we might know by habit that the next natural step would be to add 4x and 3x together to get 7x. However, the reason why we can do this in the first place lies with the distributive law.x(4+3) is another way of writing 4x + 3x before x is distributedNow, combining everything we’ve learned, the final answer gives us:7x â€" 30Learning maths should always be empowering and hopefully this guide has put you on the right track towards accomplishing your goals in the branch of arithmetic.